GTA : 01580 752109
Chartered Surveyors & Chartered Engineers
Thank you for your booking!
Your booking has been safely received and our team will be in touch shortly. Please check your email for our booking confirmation.
What happens now?
Step 1: Our team will take do all of the hard work and book in your survey with the estate agent after confirming suitability with the vendor (the seller).
Step 2: Our team will confirm the booking date with you so you know when the survey is happening.
Step 3: Your surveyor will attend the survey on the agreed date and undertake the type of survey booked.
Step 4: Once the survey is completed your surveyor will complete the survey notes and photos. If you have booked our call back service the surveyor will call you within 24hrs to give you a summary of his or her findings.
Step 5: Your survey report will be written up and generally will take 7-10 working days dependant on the condition and size of the property. Sometimes it can be longer where matters require further investigation. We will keep you informed if this is the case.
Step 6: Your invoice will be raised a few days before your survey is completed.
Step 7: Once your invoice is settled, our team carry out the final checks, proof read and then issue the report to you.
You will find much more information on our website including frequently asked questions.
Finally, thanks for using GTA Chartered Surveyors & Chartered Engineers Ltd!