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Chartered Engineers, Surveyors, Property Experts & Construction  Consultants

Experienced Fire Service Experts 

From fire risk assessments & Fire strategy to inspection & audit GTA's here to help!


Fire Risk Assessments 

We undertake a number of fire risk assessments for a variety of different industry sectors. From schools, offices, factories to care homes and hospitals. GTA have a wealth of knowledge and engineering solutions to help your organisation or company achieve a safe and complaint work place. Experienced experts with previous fire service are on hand to provide a wide range of services and offer well reasoned and qualified advice for matters relating to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order. Quote Me

Fire Inspections & Audits

GTA also provide a range of fire management services such as post project compliance, fire document audits. Fire record management, fire advice and fire precaution work inspections for works undertaken by contractors. Certification checking and fire drill management. Our team also offer independent fire investigation and incident reports in the work place, to ensure valuable lessons are shared and used as learning for organisations. Quote Me


Fire Engineering Services & Solutions

Fire Engineering is a specialised field which requires experience and expertise. At GTA we have staff that have worked on fire detection design and management, fire fighting and suppression systems. Passive & active fire protection. Commercial sprinkler systems and much more. Our Fire Engineering Service works in tandem with the fire strategy of any premises and we will advise on the most economical solution for your building. Quote Me

HMO'S & Fire Strategy/Notices

Houses in Multiple Occupation or HMO's as they are termed can be complex and most local authorities consider these to be high risk accommodation. A number of councils operate registration or licensing schemes to control occupation. From shared student lets to bedsits and converted buildings. Our former HMO licensing expert can guide you through the minefield of local authority legislation and requirements. We can help you lower the risk or respond to any improvement notices. Quote Me


Please call or email us for any further information 


Call : 01580 752109 or Email :

What our customers & clients are are saying

"GTA provided me with a fast and comprehensive report, I would recommend"

Miss A.Baker, Sydenham : June 2019


Our professional staff are registered, qualified and regulated by the Chartered Institute of Building so you can be assured that the services they provide are to a professional standard and are only undertaken by qualified professionals. We are also celebrating 25+ years of individual experience in the built environment.

Our professional Engineers are also registered Chartered Building Engineer's with a wealth of experience in building engineering. Their professional services are regulated by the Chartered Association of Building Engineers to ensure piece of mind knowing that they have extensive qualifications and expertise in their respective fields.

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