GTA : 01580 752109
Chartered Surveyors & Chartered Engineers
Expert Asset Management Services
Expert Asset Management Services
Advice & expertise in asset management solutions
Advice & expertise in asset management solutions

An Idea Is Born
An Idea Is Born
You have decided to really get to grips with your property or estates portfolio. Great, what next? Here's where it doesn't need to get complicated. Here at GTA our experts can quickly put you on the right track. Creating strategic asset management plans for your business. Property costs are often your second biggest outlay after staff, so why would you not look to manage this properly!
Release what you don't need!
Release what you don't need!
Wasted space is wasted money. In this economy you cannot afford to was your commercial space. Many people are not aware that they can sub let through their lease terms or negotiate new terms with their landlords? You should be ensuring that all of your space is effectively and efficiently managed. Here's where we can help you save money, get in touch for a free non obligation overview.

Please call or email us for any further information
Please call or email us for any further information
Call : 01580 752109 or Email : info@gtaconsulting.co.uk
Call : 01580 752109 or Email : info@gtaconsulting.co.uk

Our professional staff are registered, qualified and regulated by the Chartered Institute of Building so you can be assured that the services they provide are to a professional standard and are only undertaken by qualified professionals. We are also celebrating 25+ years of individual experience in the built environment.
Our professional Engineers are also registered Chartered Building Engineer's with a wealth of experience in building engineering. Their professional services are regulated by the Chartered Association of Building Engineers to ensure piece of mind knowing that they have extensive qualifications and expertise in their respective fields.