GTA : 01580 752109
Chartered Surveyors & Chartered Engineers
Asbestos Surveys & Asbestos Management
Asbestos Surveys & Asbestos Management
From inspection to removal management - GTA can provide a fast and efficient service!
From inspection to removal management - GTA can provide a fast and efficient service!

Asbestos Inspection & Sampling
Asbestos Inspection & Sampling
GTA's team of experts can deal with your asbestos issues from ad hoc sampling and testing of asbestos materials to managed risk assessments and management plans. GTA can engage our suitably qualified surveyors to inspect, sample and then send to a UK UCAS registered lab to provide analysis results in order for you to determine your next steps. Our services are fast, reliable and efficient. Call out team to find out more.
Asbestos Removal Management
Asbestos Removal Management
Asbestos in your way? need experts to remove and manage the whole process from end to end. GTA have a number of contracted partners whom are experienced in the safe removal of Asbestos. Our team can manage the process right through to the provision of a clearance certificate, letting you get on with your business as soon as possible. Make sure you engage appropriate and qualified companies and individuals by speaking to our team.

Pre Demolition Surveys & Reports
Pre Demolition Surveys & Reports
Pre demolition surveys are carried out before a building is stripped and/or demolished. This activity is high risk in terms of exposure to asbestos and it is key to ensure that a thorough and robust pre demolition survey is undertaken to ensure that you, your employees and the public are not adversely affected. Our reports are comprehensive, quickly turned around and practical in terms identifying areas of concern and/or removal. Leaving you to get on with the main contract with less risk.
Commercial Premises - Office & Industrial
Commercial Premises - Office & Industrial
Industrial and commercial premises older than 1992/4 will almost certainly have some form of Asbestos containing material. These types of property are more prone to impact and accidental damage as a result of their intensive use and occupancy. Employers also have a duty of care to staff and visitors which makes the management of Asbestos more complex and difficult to manage. Contractors will be visiting and undertaking routine maintenance and exposure risks are much higher. If you need advice and guidance give us a call? our team will be happy to help.

Domestic Premises - Houses & Flats
Domestic Premises - Houses & Flats
Asbestos has been around for a very long time and was used extensively in almost every conceivable building product until its total ban in 1992. As a result, it can be found in thousands of properties. The word Asbestos, used to mean take it out and get rid of it! But, with pressure on contaminated waste sites. Now good practice is to monitor and manage Asbestos. Here's where GTA come in? Our BIOH trained and qualified surveyors can create management plans, take samples and complete surveys on your behalf. Call our team for more information.

Asbestos Management Plans & Policy
Asbestos Management Plans & Policy
Let us review, write or amend your Asbestos policy or management plan. Our team will create a bespoke plan or policy to reflect the reality of what happens in your business or buildings. Making sure your documentation is up to date, professional and COMPLIANT with todays standards. Don't get caught out' let our team do all the work with an up front set of clear costs and plan of delivery. Contact out team today! Quote Me
Please call or email us for any further information
Please call or email us for any further information
Call : 01580 752109 or Email : info@gtaconsulting.co.uk
Call : 01580 752109 or Email : info@gtaconsulting.co.uk

Our professional staff are registered, qualified and regulated by the Chartered Institute of Building so you can be assured that the services they provide are to a professional standard and are only undertaken by qualified professionals. We are also celebrating 25+ years of individual experience in the built environment.
Our professional Engineers are also registered Chartered Building Engineer's with a wealth of experience in building engineering. Their professional services are regulated by the Chartered Association of Building Engineers to ensure piece of mind knowing that they have extensive qualifications and expertise in their respective fields.